Welcome to ClickMyDoctor.com
From a single ClickMyDoctor.com account, patients and representatives can access Health Records and communicate via Secure Messaging with 20+ practices in just 3 easy steps:
  1. Create a ClickMyDoctor.com account
    One account is all you need to access all ClickMyDoctor.com practices and even view records for children or those you represent for medical decisions. Create a new account now.
  2. Add Health Records using HealthPINs
    HealthPINs can be obtained directly from the ClickMyDoctor.com enabled practices.
  3. Take control of your health care
    Review Health Records, Educational resources, and Communicate securely with the doctors and practices entrusted with your most valuable assets...the well-being of you and your loved ones.
Click here for a full list of ClickMyDoctor.com practices

ClickMyDoctor is a patient portal for viewing health records and connecting with your providers. ClickMyDoctor is NOT a payment portal and cannot collect payments. You should contact your practice directly using the link above to inquire about any on-line bill payment services offered.

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